:: Limited Time Offer ::
OK readers here's the deal. The first 10 people who email me at peter@thetyrrells.id.au will be granted UNLIMITED Funambol accounts. At present, when you sign up you get a 90 day trial account.
This offer is on the Funambol web site BUT IT ENDED on 1 JANUARY 2010.
I have been given a brief extension, so get your request into me. In your email just supply your name and email address (you will later register for Funambol using the name & email address you send to me).
First in, best dressed!
The following Funambol users have been upgraded from the 90-day trial to unlimited:
ReplyDelete> RhondaT
> jamest
> jebbie
> dawnmari
> empedia
> christz
> mmornati
> houndeye
No more slots available! Lucky last were:
ReplyDelete> Neraide
> lookmomnohands
Happy Funamboling...